Fyrirlestur með Marcos Zotes frá Basalt arkitektum.
Laugardaginn 10. Sept. Kl: 14.00 í Hönnunarsafni Íslands
Marcos Zotes, einn af eigendum arkitektastofunnar Basalt, segir frá sambandinu á milli samfélagslegs, náttúrulegs og tilbúins umhverfis með útgangspunkti í verkum Basalts.
Fyrirlesturinn mun fara fram á ensku.
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Lýsing á fyrirlestrinum á ensku:
Basalt Architects have revamped the long-standing geothermal bathing tradition in Iceland, focusing on creating a positive dialogue between the natural and built environment. One of the goals of the team is to maximize guest experience by putting people in close contact with nature. Extreme weather and arctic daylight conditions, a harsh landscape, scarcity of locally sourced construction materials, fragile communities and increased tourism are aspects of Iceland that are seen as opportunities rather than constraints in Basalt’s design process.
Marcos Zotes, architect and Partner at Basalt Architects, explores the relationship between the social, the natural and the built environment through the work of Basalt Architects.