11. November, 2018
The Crafts and Design Fair will be held in Reykjavik City Hall from the 22nd-26th November 2018.
11. September, 2018
"Weirdos." Workshop for families in connection with the Exhibition Endless in Duus Museum
12. July, 2018
AGUSTAV, exhibits their furniture at Crafts and Design's office in Eiðistorg, Seltjarnarnes.
04. July, 2018
The Crafts and Design Fair will be held in Reykjavik City Hall from the 22nd-26th November 2018.
07. May, 2018
Ceramic exhibition at Eiðistorg 15, 170 Seltjarnarnes.
04. April, 2018
CRAFTS AND DESIGN / HANDVERK OG HÖNNUN is now located in Eiðistorg 15, Seltjarnarnes.
12. March, 2018
ShiftED is an exhibition of new work created especially for HönnunarMars // DesignMarch 2018 showing the work of 11 Scottish and Icelandic designers.