19. May, 2020
Three artists show us how to use old craft traditions in a new way and even how to make used garments new again. HANDVERK OG HÖNNUN (CRAFTS AND DESIGN) and Skriðuklautur culture center exhibit
10. March, 2020
Earth, Wind, Fire, Water - Nordic Contemporary Crafts is the 44th edition of the exhibition series Tendenser at Galleri F 15 in Moss, Norway.
19. February, 2020
Iceland’s only glass blowing studio reopens doors under new management and would like to invite you to learn the 3000 year old art of glass blowing!
20. January, 2020
Chromo Sapiens is the work of Hrafnhildur Arnardóttir / Shoplifter and was the contribution of Iceland to the Venice Biennale in 2019.